
Archive for febrero 2008

Antes de que puedan ver los detalles y las fotos quiero advertir que el significado que le dan a la palabra de «Crimen» o «criminal», en inglés, es diferente al castellano; pues, generalmente, nosotros relacionamos al crimen o criminal con los asesinatos; en cambio, en inglés, tiene un significado mas amplio. Por ejemplo, una estafa, un secuestro o desaparicion de una persona puede ser calificado de crimen. Asimismo quien roba o es indocumentado en USA se le llama criminal.

Abajo pueden ver las fotos y las descripciones originales en Inglés que hizo la Revista TIME. (Yo agrego una breve descripcion en castellano)

#1. Massacre at Virginia Tech
(en la masacre de la Universidad de Virginia murieron 32 personas por un estudiante trastornado mentalmente…)


On Apr. 16, Cho Seung-Hui, a troubled Virginia Tech senior, killed 32 people before taking his own life in the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. The episode brought many unsettling issues to the fore, including loopholes that let the mentally ill buy guns, privacy laws that restrict school counselors’ ability to tell others about a distressed student and the difficulty universities have in alerting entire campuses to imminent danger. The role of the media was also scrutinized after NBC aired photos and video that Cho had mailed to the network in between killing two people in a dorm and shooting many more in classrooms.

#2. The Jena 6
(seis estudiantes negros a fines del 2006 fueron acusado de golpear a un estudiante blanco-Todos los miembros del jurado eran blancos. Millares de activistas de derechos civiles protestan por la encarcelación de uno de los acusados …)

The incident, which drew attention to what many Americans consider a double-tiered justice system, started after nooses hung from a tree at a high school in Jena, La., sparked a rash of interracial fights. In December 2006, six black students were charged with beating a white one, and thousands of civil rights activists would eventually march in Jena to protest the incarceration of one of the so-called Jena 6, Mychal Bell. In June an all-white jury convicted him of second-degree battery by concluding that his tennis shoes had been used as a dangerous weapon. His conviction as an adult was overturned, but he eventually pleaded guilty to the same charge as a juvenile.

#3. The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

(La desaparicion de la niña britanica Madeleine en un hotel portugues…)

On the night of May 3, British tourists Kate and Gerry McCann left their three young children asleep in a Portuguese resort while they dined nearby. When they returned, 3-year-old Madeleine was gone. So began a mystery that continues to befuddle investigators. David Beckham and other celebrities were enlisted to help find the girl amid theories that she might have been kidnapped by international pedophile gangs. The McCanns were eventually named as suspects after tiny amounts of the girl’s bodily fluids were found in a car her parents had rented several weeks after she went missing. The McCanns claim the evidence is inconclusive.

#4. Fiery Attack at Glasgow Airport
(Un atentado en el aeropuerto de Glasgow-Escocia. El conductor murió…)


In June, two men drove a Jeep into the arrivals terminal of the Glasgow airport and set the car ablaze in an attempted suicide attack. The driver died from third-degree burns. He and his passenger, a British-born Muslim doctor who owned the Jeep, are believed to have planted car bombs that were found in London shortly before the Glasgow incident. The attack highlighted the extent to which Islamist anger with the Western world could radicalize even educated professionals.

#5. Bribery in Iraq
(En el caso más grande de soborno en «la guerra de Iraq», el mayor del Ejército USA John Cockerham fue acusado de tomar $9,6 millones en sobornos mientras él  fue un oficial contratante en Kuwait. El aceptó, supuestamente, los pagos a cambio de prometer conceder los contratos para agua embotellada. El, su esposa y la hermana fueron implicadas, también, con el lavado de dinero y la conspiración para defraudar al gobierno de EE.UU….)

In the largest bribery case to come out of the Iraq war, Army Maj. John Cockerham was indicted in August for taking $9.6 million in bribes while he was a contracting officer in Kuwait. He allegedly accepted the payments in return for promising to award contracts for such things as bottled water through a rigged bidding process. He and his wife and sister were also charged with money-laundering and conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government. All three have pleaded not guilty.

#6. Slave Labor in China
(Cientos de humildes trabajadores chinos son esclavizados para trabajar en rusticas empresas en el norte de China…)

Hundreds of laborers forced to work as slaves at illegal brick kilns in northern China were freed in June. The slaves, some of whom were minors, had been kidnapped or lured to the factories, where they were physically abused and, in a few cases, murdered. Dozens of people were convicted for their role in the slavery scandal, including the son of a local Communist Party official, and one kiln employee — who confessed to killing a mentally handicapped man for not working hard enough — was sentenced to death.

#7. Execution-Style Slayings in Newark
(Asesinan de un balazo en la cabeza a tres jovenes estudiantes afroamericanos. Un cuarto sobrevivió. Al parecer los culpables fueron hispanos, uno de ellos  indocumentado y con cargos anteriores de abuso infantil…)

Everyone who knew them said they were good kids. Three were enrolled at Delaware State University, and the fourth planned to join his friends there shortly. So when they were lined up against a schoolyard wall in Newark, N.J., and shot execution-style (one survived) in early August, it rattled the city and its idealistic young mayor, Cory Booker, who had been elected a year earlier on promises to reduce crime. The murders also stoked a national debate about immigration after it was revealed that one of the six suspects was an illegal immigrant free on bail on child-rape charges at the time of the killings.

#8. A Wrestler’s Rage
(Este luchador de «lucha libre» en un «ataque de locura» mato a su esposa, pequeño hijo y él se suicidó…)

In June, World Wrestling Entertainment star Chris Benoit apparently dosed his wife and 7-year-old son with a sedative before strangling them in their Georgia home and then hanging himself using the cord from a weight machine. The popular wrestler left no suicide note. Amid media speculation that the double murder-suicide was brought on by steroid use and so-called «roid rage,» a toxicologist concluded that despite finding elevated levels of testosterone — possibly as a result of treatment for past steroid abuse — in Benoit’s body, there was nothing in his system that contributed to the violent behavior.

#9. O.J. Gets Busted
(El ex-idolo y famoso jugador del football USA, O.J. Simpson, es acusado de robo y secuestro…)

Really, O.J.? Really? Your alleged plan to run a civilian «sting operation» against the guy you claim was illegally selling your memorabilia consisted of you and a few gun-toting friends breaking into his Las Vegas hotel room and taking your stuff back by force? We’re sure you would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for that pal of yours who tape-recorded the whole incident. O.J. pleaded not guilty to all of the charges against him, including robbery, kidnapping and use of a deadly weapon, and his trial is scheduled to begin in April.

#10. Fleecing a High-Society Mom
(Brooke Astor, la filántropo encantadora de la Ciudad de Nueva York y  que sucumbio al Alzheimer en años posteriores, se murió en agosto del 2007, a los 105 años. Luego se destapó el hecho de que su único hijo,  Anthony Marshall, fue acusado de robo, falsificación y conspiración para saquear las propiedades de su madre….)


Brooke Astor, the glamorous New York City philanthropist and socialite who succumbed to Alzheimer’s disease in her later years, died in August at the age of 105. Soon afterward, amid stunning allegations of elder abuse, neglect, and flat-out greed, her only son, Anthony Marshall, was charged with stealing, forgery and conspiracy to plunder his mother’s estate. Marshall pleaded not guilty to the charges, which were brought against him more than a year after Astor’s grandson sued to have Marshall removed as her guardian for allegedly allowing the once grand dame to live in squalor.

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En América Latina y el Caribe mueren 50,000 niños anualmente por causas derivadas del abuso sexual, informó la UNICEF en un foro que se realiza en la capital cubana.

Funcionarios y expertos de 15 países se reunieron a partir de hoy para intercambiar mecanismos de prevención del delito y cómo enfrentarlo cuando se produjo un ataque.


«UNICEF celebra que se haga este congreso en Cuba. De Cuba se pueden aprender muchas cosas y Cuba puede aprender de otras experiencias» expresó José Juan Ortiz, representante de la organización.

«No admitimos el criterio de que los países en situaciones difíciles no tienen los recursos suficientes para atender la infancia», agregó. Señaló que la «voluntad» política es más importante que el presupuesto y por ello la isla es «modelo» para sus vecinas.
Según Ortiz, en América Latina y Caribe «rondan las 50,000 muertes anuales derivadas de los abusos sexuales».

Aunque la mayoría de los casos de ataques son intrafamiliares hay redes internacionales de las cuales también se debe proteger a los menores y es necesario en paralelo la cooperación internacional, comentó.

Asimismo, el representante de UNICEF exhortó a evitar los extremos en el manejo del tema, tanto desde el sensacionalismo como ocultando la problemática.

En el caso de Cuba las autoridades no proporcionaron cifras de denuncias, pero Niurka Ronda, directora del Centro de Protección de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes «Vilma Espín», indicó que en la capital y zonas aledañas se produjeron un centenar de denuncias en 2007.

Aunque cada episodio es dramático se trata de hechos «aislados», aseguró la experta.
Agregó que actualmente «se denuncian más los hechos que antes» y que se desarrollan muchos programas de prevención en las escuelas.

La directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual Mariela Castro, hija del presidente interno Raúl Castro, dijo «el problema del abuso sexual lo vemos integralmente desde la prevención».
Destacó que para coordinar a todas las instituciones para el enfrentamiento a este delito existe una Comisión Nacional creada por la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas en la década de los años 90.

Uno de los organizadores del foro, el coronel cubano Enrique Pérez, recientemente suministró detalles cualitativos en Cuba: el 33% de los ataques se produce en menores de 6 a 10 años; el 31% entre los 11 y 13 años. El 75% son de sexo femenino predomina en hogares monoparentales y disfuncionales.
Las penas en Cuba van de 4 a 30 años o la pena de muerte.

* LA HABANA, Cuba (AP)—28 de enero de 2008

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